+65 6602 8085
Singapore Registered Office
Every business or company in Singapore needs a registered office address. Find out why and how to register.
In Singapore, every business (Sole Proprietorship, LLP) or company (Private Limited Company) needs a registered office address when you do lodgement with Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority (ACRA). It's one of the first information you need before you actually register your business or company. This address must always be an effective address for delivering of official correspondence documents to the company and its directors/shareholders. For new start-ups and entrepreneurs without a physical office, you do not want your home address to appear on public records. For foreigners who want to start a business in Singapore, you will be required to provide a local Singapore address.
Atriox's Registered Office Address Service
Each register office address service is for one Singapore business/company entity only.
You can use this address when registering your business with ACRA. You can also use this as your business address and also have it on your name cards and letterheads.
Services include:
Weekly Mail alert via email
Receiving of mails, parcels and registered mails.
Self-collection of mails and parcels (Monday – Friday from 9am to 6pm)
Mail forwarding services available, fees applies.
Open/Scan/Email your received mail, fees applies.
Mail storage up to 6 months
Why Choose Atriox Management?
Prestigious Address – Suntec City is located in City Hall, within Singapore’s Central Business District (CBD), the very heart of business and finance. The area has many sky scrapers, home to advertising, media, finance and consulting firms, along with large real estate business.
Business Credibility – Business will be recognised as established with a prestigious address within Singapore’s CBD.
Easy Accessibility – Suntec City is accessible from three MRT stations which are City Hall, Esplanade and Promenade plus many bus routes.
Value for Money – Save on office setup fees with low monthly costs. Every single dollar count and goes a long way in your early start up years.
Privacy – Your residential address will not be available on public records.